Tuesday 30 January 2018

Create the Bracelet Experience!

The Bracelet Experience

A "Thank You Experience"!

"Thank you so much! I absolutely Love it !, It's beautiful!, Wow, it's amazing!, it's exactly what I want!, I'm wearing it now!, I can't wait to show my friends!"

Create Your own "Personal Experience"

Remember a "Personal Experience", a time you feel a deep sense of "Thank You". Close your eyes and re-live it in detailtouch your bracelet with your thumb and forefinger, lock it in, creating a strong trigger to re-live "Thank You" whenever you desire.

Daily for a Month...

Before sleeping: 

Touch your bracelet and re-live your "Personal Experience" with greater intensity than before (two minutes)
Remember 10 experiences for which you are thankful today.

On waking: 

Touch your bracelet to re-live your "Personal Experience" and then recall the 10 experiences from the previous evening